Catching Up: Part 2.
Day 32:
Today I have spent a lot of time fixing photos.
I've been cropping, tweaking perspective, adjusting color balances, levels, and saturation, painting out random tiny artifacts, and much, much more. And after all of that, I did this:
This is an early stage of a painting. It was originally intended to be an acrylic painting, but after adding a quick layer of color to the cloak I'm considering switching it to a digital painting... We'll see how it goes I guess.
Day 31:
Yesterday I drew the sketch that was the beginning of the Red Riding Hood image:
By the end of the evening it looked like this:
Day 30:
I drew some thumbnail storyboard sketches.
The heart image series is separate from the other images. I wasn't really going for full-on storyboarding here: I just wanted to get a few images that I hope to properly storyboard later out of my head for now before I bury them with other ideas and forget what they looked like. There are still more images related to this story that I need to get down, but this is all that I've gotten to for now. The first two images are crossed out because I simply wasn't pleased with how they turned out.
Day 29:
This day I just spent time drawing grids on paper to have a place to work on my storyboard thumbnail sketches.
Day 28:
Some work in my Cut-Up Sketchbook:
Day 27:
More Cut-Up Sketchbook:
Day 26:
Even more Cut-Up Sketchbook:
Day 25:
The day that began this particular series of Cut-Up Sketchbook doodling:
Day 24:
Switching gears now to painting:
It's not much to look at - just the early stages of a painted project. I bought the wooden tree with the black outlines on it, but I'm going to paint it my own way. It'll still be owls and hearts in a tree, but it should end up fairly different from the original design.
Day 23:
This was quite a long day of art as I painted mailboxes for my niece and nephew for Valentine's Day.
They're quite simple, but I figured that I didn't need to make them masterpieces since they're playthings for a three and five year old...
Day 22:
This day was the the day that I painted the base coats of color on the above mailboxes.