"Fearless" is the title of the animated short that I'm currently working preproduction on. I have strong hopes for the majority of the models in this short to be completed as my MFA thesis project for the Academy of Art University. My progress on this project shall make up the majority of the posts on this blog for the forseeable future.
Fearless is the story of a fine, strong warrior statue carved out of wood. The warrior resides in a private art gallery with eight companion sculptures. One evening, a strange feeling creeps up on him...
I have been doing preproduction work on Fearless for a few months now, working around different projects in other classes, and not progressing nearly as far as I would like with this one. That's all about to change: I have an entire summer free to devote to Fearless. I have scheduled my summer workload thus:
The first task on my list is revising and refining my character designs. I intend to make maquettes and multiple drawings of each character. I will update this blog weekly with my progress. For now, here's a teaser from my previous work this past semester: