I almost got my thesis approved. The concept itself was approved, but I have to change the number of models I'm going to complete to get full approval and a go-ahead green light. I've been instructed to cut the number of character models down from 6 to 4. I've also been advised to keep the addict character that I've already introduced, the juggler that I've posted snippets of images for previously, my main wooden warrior character, and the satanic leaf-tailed gecko character. My fearless little girl (the title character for crying out loud!) and my cowardly lion have been cut. I'm also texturing the juggler and the addict instead of the warrior and the little girl. I'm still hoping to complete the cut models, just not as part of my thesis project. For now I'm rather dissappointed and have to spend extra time revising my propsal documents, but hopefully this will work out for the best in the long run...